In focus:
Diversity and inclusion

In fiscal year 2023, DEKRA strengthened its commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) as an organization by creating a corresponding global function and a diversity committee. Our company also symbolically underlined its focus on diversity and antidiscrimination by becoming a signatory to Germany’s government-backed Diversity Charter.

The advancement of women in the company also played an important role in fiscal year 2023. A target of 20% was set for the proportion of women in our main corporate bodies and in management positions. Both the Supervisory Board and Management Board of DEKRA SE have already achieved these figures. However, it has not yet been possible to meet the targets of 15% and 20% for the first- and second-tier management levels (Executive Committee and Management Committee). The goal is to reach these quotas by the end of 2025.

With our Grow Beyond mentoring program for all employees and the EmpowHER development program for female staff in particular, DEKRA helps women advance. The DEKRA Women Circle – an international women’s network – has been a great success and now has a membership of more than 750 women.

DEKRA is using various means of communication such as podcasts and blogs to raise visibility and awareness of D&I in general. Moreover, D&I has been an aspect of the company’s compliance and sustainability training since 2023.

Service Divisions

The diverse range of services provided by DEKRA span analog and digital testing and certification.

Strategic direction

By concentrating on focus areas, DEKRA is leveraging opportunities for growth in the context of digital transformation.


DEKRA’s business is divided into different regions. Here is information about our services and staffing numbers.