

Alongside organizing the business into Service Divisions* and Regions, increasing diversity in management is one of the basic principles of corporate governance.

* DEKRA restructured its Service Divisions in January 2024. The Annual Report 2023 refers throughout to the previous year’s Service Division structure.


DEKRA ensures the safety and performance of all types of vehicles on the road.

From cars and motorcycles to trucks and buses, comprehensive inspection and testing services are provided that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

The Vehicles Service Division also keeps pace with the latest technological developments in the automotive industry and supports the innovation and sustainability of the mobility sector with specialized services for these emerging technologies.



  • Periodic or non-periodic inspections
  • Emission tests
  • Damage appraisals
  • Accident analysis
  • Vehicle valuation
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
  • Automated driving systems
  • Electric Vehicles (EV)


Digital & Product Solutions

DEKRA tests and certifies products to determine whether they ensure safe and secure operation while complying with standards and regulations to access local and global markets.

The Digital & Product Solutions Service Division is committed to empowering safety, security, and sustainability in new technological ecosystems by providing testing and certification solutions that support the rapid pace of technology development and its integration into products, vehicles, and services.



  • Product safety testing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data analytics/big data
  • Connectivity testing
  • Automotive testing
  • EMC & RF testing
  • Product certification
  • Medical device certification


Industrial Assets

DEKRA provides comprehensive safety inspections and assessments across Building & Infrastructure and Industrial Installations to clients around the world while using a diverse range of technologies and vast experience.

DEKRA uses different inspection methods such as Visual and NDT/DT as well as Robotized and Remote/Monitoring inspection technology designed and produced in-house. The service division serves customers in all phases; from feasibility studies to design, operation and decommissioning, to cover the entire product lifecycle.



  • Construction control
  • Fire safety
  • Ventilation
  • Energy efficiency
  • Pressure equipment
  • Plant safety
  • Welding technology
  • Lifts & cranes
  • Machinery
  • Electrical installations
  • Environmental protection (soil, water, air)
  • Renewable energies (wind, hydrogen, etc.)
  • Asset Integrity Management (AIM)


People, Processes & Organizations

Qualified employees and high-performing companies benefit from competent assessments, certification, advisory, and training across various industries and their supply chains.

Leveraging modern tools and digital technologies, DEKRA’s  experienced auditors, advisors, and trainers provide services aligned with clients’ specific requirements.

DEKRA offers risk, compliance, and performance improvement services, addressing safety, security, and sustainability standards.



  • Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
  • Sustainability
  • Management systems
  • Verification & validation
  • Process safety
  • Information & cybersecurity
  • Automotive business improvement
  • Transport & logistics


Temp Work​

Supporting know-how and experience in personnel-, solution-, event & logistic and human resources management.



  • Classic temporary work
  • Candidate management
  • Human resources management solutions
  • Event & logistic management


Diversity & Inclusion

DEKRA’s goals and initiatives to promote diversity within its business (e.g. women in management positions).

Strategic direction

By concentrating on focus areas, DEKRA is leveraging opportunities for growth in the context of digital transformation.


DEKRA’s business is divided into different regions. Here is information about our services and staffing numbers.