
»The global partner for a safe, secure, and sustainable world«

Volatility and complexity have become the new normal in the modern world. Against this challenging backdrop, we want to ensure DEKRA’s stable and healthy growth.

DEKRA celebrates its centenary in 2025, and by then, we aim to be our customers’ first choice in both our established business areas and the major fields that will define the future: the global partner for a safe, secure, and sustainable world.

We can make this a reality by pursuing a strategy that is both clear and dynamic, on which we consistently align our operational management. To this end, in 2021, we added focus areas for future services to the Vision 2025 program we launched in 2015: Future Mobility, IT & Cybersecurity, AI & Advanced Analytics, and Sustainability.

Our comprehensive digital strategy was also initiated as part of this process. DEKRA is already a globally recognized partner for testing, certification, and inspection of intelligent and connected products. Nevertheless, we are constantly at work to keep expanding our digital expertise—for example, in the future fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

Regardless of the industry sector or service area in which DEKRA operates, our organization’s success has been and continues to be built on the expertise, innovation, and consistent customer focus of our almost 49,000 employees as well as the great trust placed in us by over 500,000 customers around the world.

Diversity & Inclusion

DEKRA’s goals and initiatives to promote diversity within its business (e.g. women in management positions).

Service Divisions

The diverse range of services provided by DEKRA span analog and digital testing and certification.


DEKRA’s business is divided into different regions. Here is information about our services and staffing numbers.