
»Energy, environment, governance«

Customers, employees, and the public as well expect and require companies to do business sustainably. This is a major challenge given the complexity of processes and supply chains.

Whether it is a question of switching to renewables, complying with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) requirements, or adopting sustainable products and cycles, DEKRA can offer assistance in the form of in-depth knowledge and more than 500 sustainability services. Here are some examples of our services.

Supply chain risk management

Protecting supply chains

Strikes, cyberattacks, geopolitical events, and trade and customs developments pose constant risks to supply chains.

With support from DEKRA, organizations can assess and enhance the resilience and sustainability of their supply chains. We analyze and evaluate service providers and suppliers to reduce losses as part of supply chain management.

Auditing sustainability reports

Comprehensive, accurate, objective

Under the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), more and more companies are required to prepare sustainability reports that meet set standards and are verified externally.

DEKRA audits and verifies these reports to help companies provide comprehensive, transparent, and credible information and data on all aspects of sustainability. These aspects include environment and climate, safety and security, health, social standards, raw materials, and supply chains. With its professional expertise and many years of experience, DEKRA has established itself as a trusted partner for companies.

Decarbonization Advisory Program

Improving environmental performance

To minimize the impact of climate change, companies across all sectors are under pressure to meet national and international climate targets. It is thus expected that businesses make a visible, measurable commitment to sustainability.

With the Decarbonization Advisory Program, DEKRA supports its customers in their efforts to reduce their environmental impact. This modular program can be tailored to each company’s individual needs and readiness. DEKRA’s expert services and training range from setting targets through recording climate-relevant emissions to implementing, verifying, and documenting plans of action.

Sustainable construction

Green Building

By using environmentally friendly materials and renewable energy, sustainable construction promises high-quality buildings, a healthy living environment, and lower energy costs over the long term. When subsequent costs and value retention are also factored in, sustainable construction proves more efficient than conventional construction.

DEKRA supports the analysis, planning, and design for sustainable construction projects. Our experts are on hand to consult and carry out sustainability assessments and environmental product declarations (EPDs in accordance with ISO 14025). In addition, DEKRA offers continuous professional development programs and audits of sustainable construction activities.

Environmental due diligence

Providing the full picture

Identifying and assessing the risks and opportunities in mergers, acquisitions, financing, and insurance has always been standard practice. However, in today’s business landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and expectations have become increasingly important and now form an integral part of due diligence activities.

For this reason, DEKRA applies ESG criteria and conducts environmental due diligence to check for potential risks. Using international standards as well as national laws and guidelines as a basis, DEKRA experts determine the environmental, liability, renovation, and cost risks of a subject.

Testing services for hydrogen refueling stations

Safe refueling

DEKRA uses its expertise to support the development of a safe infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution.

This includes the refueling station network expansion envisaged by the European Commission and the German government. In summer 2023, DEKRA became one of the first testing organizations to be authorized by the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) to provide all essential services relating to hydrogen refueling stations. In addition to testing and certifying the systems pursuant to ISO 19880-1c, DEKRA also assesses the hydrogen’s quality in accordance with DIN EN 17124.

Workplace noise and vibration monitoring

Suitable work environment

Persistent noise and vibration can make an environment unsuitable for work, for example by making staff unwell and damaging buildings. Identifying the causes of these disturbances is therefore necessary to minimize the adverse impacts.

Using systems such as acoustic cameras, DEKRA experts pinpoint the loudest parts of machines, production floors, and buildings so action can be taken to reduce noise levels.

Wind turbine services

Availability and power

Wind turbines are a critical building block in the energy transition. They must operate at a high level of efficiency and availability over a long lifespan. As a result, requirements for technical safety, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, and production processes must be considered during the design, construction, and operating stages.

DEKRA acts here as an independent service provider, supporting its customers in all project phases, from design and preparing expert reports to the full range of testing services. In this way, DEKRA contributes to an efficient, environmentally friendly, and safe energy transition.

Sustainability training courses

Bespoke training

Sustainability pays off—for the environment, the climate, and people, as well as for businesses. Companies that assume environmental and social responsibility attract both investors and young talent while enhancing their growth opportunities and competitiveness. But how can you tell which processes or work areas can be optimized for greater sustainability?

This is where DEKRA comes in. We offer information and training, from basic knowledge to concepts and plans of action. Topics include sustainable construction, mobility concepts, ecodesign, climate strategies, and internal communication.


Building resilience against cyber attacks with DEKRA product testing for functional security.

Future Mobility

Innovative DEKRA services for safe, secure, and sustainable transportation—now and in the future.

AI & Advanced Analytics

DEKRA works at both the regulatory and technical level to ensure that AI is safe and secure.