DEKRA Reporting 2023-2024 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:25:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DEKRA Reporting 2023-2024 32 32 Diversity & Inclusion Tue, 19 Mar 2024 17:16:47 +0000

In fiscal year 2023, DEKRA strengthened its commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) as an organization by creating a corresponding global function and a diversity committee. Our company also symbolically underlined its focus on diversity and antidiscrimination by becoming a signatory to Germany’s government-backed Diversity Charter.

The advancement of women in the company also played an important role in fiscal year 2023. A target of 20% was set for the proportion of women in our main corporate bodies and in management positions. Both the Supervisory Board and Management Board of DEKRA SE have already achieved these figures. However, it has not yet been possible to meet the targets of 15% and 20% for the first- and second-tier management levels (Executive Committee and Management Committee). The goal is to reach these quotas by the end of 2025.

With our Grow Beyond mentoring program for all employees and the EmpowHER development program for female staff in particular, DEKRA helps women advance. The DEKRA Women Circle – an international women’s network – has been a great success and now has a membership of more than 750 women.

DEKRA is using various means of communication such as podcasts and blogs to raise visibility and awareness of D&I in general. Moreover, D&I has been an aspect of the company’s compliance and sustainability training since 2023.

Service Divisions

The diverse range of services provided by DEKRA span analog and digital testing and certification.

Strategic direction

By concentrating on focus areas, DEKRA is leveraging opportunities for growth in the context of digital transformation.


DEKRA’s business is divided into different regions. Here is information about our services and staffing numbers.

Building trust Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:04:44 +0000

Drawing on DEKRA’s renowned expertise in technical capabilities and its cutting-edge testing equipment, proficient teams, and extensive global network resources, BYD has entrusted DEKRA Shanghai Laboratory, Suzhou Laboratory, and Kunshan Laboratory with being its designated third-party laboratories. This pivotal decision cements the foundation for continued close collaboration between the two organizations.


DEKRA offers a comprehensive range of services that enable BYD to navigate the complex regulatory landscape. These services span the full spectrum and include the following:

  • Safety testing and certification for batteries, EV components, and charging systems
  • Reliability testing
  • Chemical testing
  • EMC testing
  • Global market access (GMA)
  • Road testing solutions and homologation
  • Car key testing
  • Management system certification
  • Functional safety
  • Cybersecurity


In 2023, FinDreams Battery Co. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of BYD, was honored to receive the DEKRA ISO/SAE 21434 automotive cybersecurity certificate. BYD FinDreams Battery’s areas of activity include EV battery R&D and production, energy storage and new battery applications, batteries for consumer electronics, and components. With a particular emphasis on cybersecurity services, DEKRA is committed to providing an expanded suite of services tailored to BYD FinDreams Battery’s specific needs.

The strategic partnership with DEKRA endeavors to enhance BYD’s automotive services with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, ensuring that the company’s vehicles and systems enjoy the strongest protection against evolving digital challenges.

»Safety is the cornerstone of the development of the new-energy vehicle industry, and BYD FinDreams Battery is committed to providing customers with environmentally friendly and secure solutions. The ISO/SAE 21434 automotive cybersecurity certificate marks a milestone for BYD FinDreams Battery, confirming that our entire product development and production process is aligned with cybersecurity standards. We are committed to leveraging technological innovation to tackle safety challenges, foster healthy and secure progress within the industry, and empower the future of automotive safety.«

Shoubo Zhang, Deputy General Manager and VPO Director, BYD FinDreams Battery

Dr. Kilian Aviles, Senior Vice President, DEKRA Asia Pacific.

»It is a great honor to see BYD FinDreams Battery receiving the DEKRA ISO/SAE 21434 automotive cybersecurity certificate. With its commitment to being an innovation leader and meeting the burgeoning demand for cars and rechargeable energy storage systems, BYD FinDreams Battery aligns with DEKRA’s strategic focus on future vehicle and transportation services in China. DEKRA is poised to support BYD FinDreams Battery in bolstering its global presence, expanding collaboration in information and cybersecurity, and sustainable development initiatives, aiming to become a worldwide partner in safety and sustainable development.«

Dr. Kilian Aviles, Senior Vice President of DEKRA Asia Pacific and Managing Director of Mainland China and Hong Kong

About BYD

An international high-tech company, BYD is the global market leader in electric vehicles as well as operating in the electronics, renewable energy, and rail industries. BYD has been researching rechargeable batteries since its founding in 1995 and today plays a pioneering role in the development of sustainable technologies. The business is active in 70 countries around the world and has been in Europe since 1998.

Illustration showing calculation processes on a com-puter.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

Multilane city expressway with smart vehicles.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

Exterior of a branch of Migros Bank in Switzerland.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:00:16 +0000
Manojkumar Parmar, founder of AIShield.

Manojkumar Parmar

Founder, CEO, and CTO, AIShield

Fernando E. Hardasmal Barrera

Executive Vice President, DEKRA

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What’s the reasoning for this partnership?

Fernando E. Hardasmal Barrera
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Given the rapid spread of AI applications, there is an enormous need for services that ensure safe and secure AI models and systems. Thorough training, assessment, audits, testing, and checks are the only way to make AI trustworthy.

Manojkumar Parmar
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Securing AI models is crucial. Unsecure AI systems can result in adverse business impact, revenue losses, and loss of trust, while noncompliance with standards and regulations can potentially result in severe penalties.

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How will the partnership work?

Manojkumar Parmar
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AIShield will assume the role of technology provider for security testing and evaluation of AI models and systems based on our leading AI security platform.

Fernando E. Hardasmal Barrera
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Using AIShield’s innovative platform for AI security software, DEKRA AI experts will be conducting comprehensive tests and assessments to identify security vulnerabilities and check compliance with regulations and standards.

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What are the partnership’s objectives?

Fernando E. Hardasmal Barrera
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Our shared goal is for AI to be widely adopted quickly but responsibly and securely. We will provide reliable testing processes, ensuring that AI models and systems meet the strictest standards. Together as partners, AIShield and DEKRA will contribute to the development of responsible AI frameworks, establishing trust in AI technologies.

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Which industries are your efforts aimed at?

Manojkumar Parmar
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Compliance standards for AI are emerging in a number of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, banking, healthcare, telecommunications, and critical infrastructure. We pool our strengths and knowledge to prepare companies in these industries for these standards and for compliance with them.

About AIShield

AIShield, a Bosch-owned startup recognized by Gartner, stands at the forefront of cyber security development for AI systems. AIShield’s AI security technology is backed by over 45 patents and has been used globally by over 40 organizations in the automotive, manufacturing, banking, telecommunications, and healthcare industries since 2022. AIShield helps organizations mitigate AI security risks before and after deployment and make AI systems (including generative AI) resilient and secure. This improves the safety and trustworthiness of AI systems as well as compliance with AI regulations and cyber security guidelines.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

“DEKRA is building a bridge between innovation and safety and security in AI”

DEKRA has partnered with universities and startups to develop first-generation AI services and bring them to market.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry” Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:50:48 +0000
49 %
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“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

Jan Zawadzki

Chief Technology Officer (CTO), CertifAI

  • Long-time head of artificial intelligence at Cariad, Volkswagen AG’s software subsidiary
  • Initiator of AI project management based on Canvas
  • Member of several data and AI leadership committees
  • Guest speaker at Oxford University and ESMT Berlin

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AI is playing an increasingly important role in connected driving and inside the vehicles themselves. What are the biggest challenges this presents from a safety/security perspective?

Jan Zawadzki
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AI is a major driver of new and personalized customer experiences, but it also introduces uncertainties and new risks. While many AI-based applications such as personalized assistants or driver assistance functions work well in a quick demo setting, making these applications work reliably at scale is a big challenge. The automotive industry must ensure that the AI-based components work as safely as intended, and they have to provide appropriate evidence of that. We believe that our solution helps make the AI do what it’s supposed to do in an automotive setting, while also fulfilling the legal and compliance requirements.

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What concepts and solutions is CertifAI looking to employ to overcome these challenges?

Jan Zawadzki
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We carry out a risk assessment in which we identify the AI component’s risks in the specific use case. Then we define objectives and tests to mitigate these risks. Combined with the development approach based on the 3-V model (Gracic et al., 2020), we can come to a bottom-up conclusion that the residual risk is acceptable and support the overall system safety argumentation. By clearly identifying the risks of the AI system and mitigating them appropriately, automotive customers can develop their AI systems much more efficiently and increase their chances of actually integrating them in a standard operating procedure (SOP).

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CertifAI is part of Mission KI, an AI initiative run by Germany’s National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). Why is this initiative so important, and what contribution does CertifAI make?

Jan Zawadzki
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CertifAI is part of an expert group defining the testing criteria for a future “AI Made in Germany” seal. The “Made in Germany” mark has been a source of trust in the quality of products around the world, and we’re working hard to establish “AI Made in Germany” with a similar reputation. We believe that making AI do what it’s supposed to do is this century’s most important challenge. Together with our partners, we’ll determine ways to ensure reliable AI development and high-quality AI-based products.

About Mission KI

This research and development initiative is one of the flagship projects within the German government’s digital strategy and is intended to strengthen the German economy’s digital competitiveness. Mission KI addresses the challenges of AI by expanding the pool of data for AI innovations and promoting the development and growth of trustworthy, marketable AI applications.

About CertifAI

CertifAI was founded by DEKRA, auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany, and Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg, a startup fund run by the Hamburg city government. The joint venture’s focus is on providing services in testing and certifying AI models, products, and solutions in compliance with industry-specific norms and standards. The three founding partners want to build trust in AI and meet regulatory demands for technology-driven companies as efficiently as possible. CertifAI’s management is highly experienced in building digital business models in regulated environments.

Illustration showing calculation processes on a com-puter.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

Exterior of a branch of Migros Bank in Switzerland.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

A truck equipped with environmental sensors and driv-ing in open country.

“DEKRA is building a bridge between innovation and safety and security in AI”

DEKRA has partnered with universities and startups to develop first-generation AI services and bring them to market.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk Mon, 18 Mar 2024 15:45:52 +0000

The business case

Gowago, Switzerland’s largest online car leasing provider, uses an AI model to predict the value of cars at the end of the lease term. This capability empowers Migros Bank to help Gowago provide competitively priced leasing rates. However, a fault in the AI model could have a huge impact on Migros Bank’s revenues. It therefore needs to be assessed carefully.

Stephan Wick, COO and CIO, Migros Bank, Switzerland.

The challenge

“Innovative AI solutions, such as those offered by Gowago, have the potential to revolutionize and enhance the services we provide to our customers. However, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the AI models in use, as demonstrated by an independent assessment service, remains paramount in mitigating risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.”

Stephan Wick, COO & CIO, Migros Bank

The solution

“We conducted a thorough assessment of Gowago’s AI system with our partner LatticeFlow AI. DEKRA audited the AI lifecycle processes, from development through testing and deployment to operation. To that end, our expert auditors used the DEKRA AI Assessment Framework, which focuses on assessing the AI system quality as well as its compliance with upcoming EU regulations. In addition, our partner LatticeFlow AI conducted an end-to-end technical assessment of the AI lifecycle, leveraging their robust AI platform to evaluate data quality, model robustness, and model deployment to ensure safety and trustworthiness in line with the latest ISO standards.”

Dr. Xavier Valero Gonzales, Director AI & Advanced Analytics, DEKRA

The benefits

The in-depth AI assessment’s key benefits for Migros Bank are:

  • Risk mitigation: Managing internal risks at the bank.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements set by FINMA, the Swiss financial market supervisory authority.
  • Business decision-making: Enabling management to make informed decisions regarding the use of innovative, AI-based solutions in bank operations.
  • Independent technical assessment: Guaranteeing objectivity thanks to DEKRA and LatticeFlow performing an unbiased and independent AI assessment.
Exterior of a branch of Migros Bank in Switzerland.

About Migros Bank

Migros Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund. It employs around 1,700 people and operates over 70 branches in all parts of Switzerland. Its approximately one million customers entrust the bank with customer deposits totaling over 45 billion francs.

Illustration showing calculation processes on a com-puter.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

Multilane city expressway with smart vehicles.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

A truck equipped with environmental sensors and driv-ing in open country.

“DEKRA is building a bridge between innovation and safety and security in AI”

DEKRA has partnered with universities and startups to develop first-generation AI services and bring them to market.

“DEKRA is building a bridge between innovation and safety and security in AI” Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:55:18 +0000
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“DEKRA is building a bridge between innovation and safety and security in AI”

Dr. Xavier Valero

Director of AI & Advanced Analytics, DEKRA

As Director of AI & Advanced Analytics, Dr. Valero is responsible for all of DEKRA’s AI and advanced analytics activities. Together with his team, he has introduced a first-generation range of AI services to the market. Dr. Valero holds a doctorate in machine learning and has more than 15 years of experience in data science and the implementation of AI projects.

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Why do we need AI safety and security services?

Dr. Xavier Valero
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Probably the best-known AI application is ChatGPT. It offers impressive functionality, and its use has spread rapidly around the world. But this also brings risks, such as responses potentially being inaccurate, biased, or even discriminatory. The issues become even more severe in AI systems used in fields like automated driving and robot-assisted surgeries, where a malfunction would put lives at risk. So there is an urgent need to test and certify the safety and security of AI applications in terms of data quality and robustness.

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How does DEKRA support customers and users of AI?

Dr. Xavier Valero
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DEKRA has been working on AI services in recent years by partnering with first-rate universities, research institutions, and tech startups. We have leveraged our expertise in testing and certification to develop software, tools, and processes with a view to building a bridge between AI innovation and safety and security. For instance, our first-generation AI services include data quality analysis and testing of safety and security. We also offer advisory services and training on a wide range of topics such as AI management systems.

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What is your vision for the future of AI and DEKRA’s role in it?

Dr. Xavier Valero
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AI technology is growing dramatically and rapidly. Every product or service will soon either be built with AI or make use of the technology. As a result, our society needs neutral third parties like DEKRA around to test and certify AI models and products in an independent manner. We ensure safety and security by using our own solutions as well as by engaging with governments, standardization organizations, and industry alliances. Together, we are working out crucially important AI rules and standards.

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Why should organizations offering or using AI models and applications seek certification?

Dr. Xavier Valero
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First, to comply with current and upcoming AI regulations such as the EU AI Act. Second, to build the necessary trust with clients and users. Third, safe and secure AI technology will reduce economic damage from AI not working as it should. And last but not least, because by ensuring safe, secure, and responsible AI, companies can stand out from their competition.

Illustration showing calculation processes on a com-puter.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

Multilane city expressway with smart vehicles.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

Exterior of a branch of Migros Bank in Switzerland.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

“Hydrogen trucks can deliver impressive practical benefits.” Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:47:39 +0000

On its way to being a leading source of hydrogen-based transportation, Hylane is receiving a helping hand from DEKRA. “We chose DEKRA as a strategic partner because their organization is a one-stop shop offering everything we need,” says the company director, Sara Schiffer, “from track tests for the vehicles to training courses for the drivers.” Since 2022, DEKRA experts have also been providing a variety of services for the hydrogen-powered trucks in the local areas where the rental customers use them, as well as throughout the trucks’ lifecycle from when they are delivered to when they are taken out of service.

Schiffer, 30, went straight from finishing high school to working for insurance firm DEVK. That was in 2013. She would certainly never have dreamed back then that nine years on, she would be in charge of a DEVK subsidiary that rented out hydrogen-powered trucks. But that is how things have turned out, with the insurer wanting to help make the transportation of heavy goods greener.

»We chose DEKRA as a strategic partner because their organization is a one-stop shop offering everything we need, from track tests for the vehicles to training courses for the drivers.«

Sara Schiffer, founder and company director of hylane

Sara Schiffer, founder and managing director of hylane.

hylane: hydrogen truck rentals

Founded: October 2021

  • Staff: 13
  • Hydrogen-powered trucks: 42 approved, another 80 ordered
  • Customers: 20, from German transportation companies to retail chains
  • Vehicle classes: from 5.2-metric-ton box trucks to 40-metric-ton heavy-goods trucks

Schiffer experienced hydrogen-powered trucks on the road for the first time during a project in Zurich. This was the initial spark for an idea she took with her back to Germany: that organizations should be able to have their first interactions with the alternative fuel without taking on a risk to themselves.

The goal that drives her on is to reduce CO2 emissions from heavy-goods vehicles in line with EU rules. The technology does exist, but hydrogen-powered trucks are still expensive. At the moment, only a few transportation companies would contemplate buying this type of vehicle, not least because it is unclear whether hydrogen-powered or battery-powered electric vehicles will win out.

The solution? hylane’s customers only pay for the kilometers they have driven, so there is no risk to them with regard to investment or technology. However, they still receive a full package with maintenance, repairs, servicing, insurance, and access to hydrogen.

Powering this concept is the ten-person team headed by Schiffer. And it has proven successful: The first truck was approved at the end of 2023 and has already been joined by more than 40 additional vehicles. These are used by customers such as transportation companies DB Schenker and GLS as well as retailers like DM and Rewe.

The proof of concept has been demonstrated. But Schiffer, who has since gotten her truck driver’s license, knows that Hylane requires staying power as a pioneer in an emergent market. And with DEVK’s strong financial backing, her business has just that … so the success story can continue.

DEKRA services for hylane

  • Initial acceptance tests
  • Statutory vehicle inspections
  • Condition reports
  • Expert assessments
  • Driver training

Publicly funded

  • The German government is supporting hylane’s hydrogen-powered rental fleet…
  • …covering 80% of the difference in procurement costs relative to diesel trucks.
  • Hylane uses every cent of the money from the subsidy to offer attractive rental rates.
Illustration showing calculation processes on a com-puter.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

Multilane city expressway with smart vehicles.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

Exterior of a branch of Migros Bank in Switzerland.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

Expertise in secure AI Mon, 18 Mar 2024 13:59:18 +0000

Regulation and standardization

Legislative initiatives have been introduced in a host of countries with a view to regulating AI – one example being the EU AI Act within the European Union. As an independent testing and certification expert, DEKRA is playing an active part in these processes. It also contributes to the work of standardization bodies such as the prestigious International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial Intelligence working group.

Advisory services for businesses

The emerging role of AI in an increasing array of products and processes is instilling trust in this new technology. As a global partner at all stages of the AI model and application development cycle, DEKRA helps organizations navigate this journey with training programs focusing on current and upcoming AI regulations, audits to ensure compliance with standards, and comprehensive tests supported by state-of-the-art software tools.

Commitment to people

In providing services such as model robustness, data quality, and risk management for AI applications, DEKRA is also engaged in global efforts to protect the safety and security of AI users. To ensure that the technology simplifies and enriches life, it must be compatible with the values expected by society – for example, by being transparent, safe, secure, and sustainable.

»To ensure that AI simplifies and enriches life, the technology must be compatible with the values expected by society.«

Wide range of partnerships

To help ensure that AI-driven innovations are safe and secure, DEKRA combines its expertise in testing and certification with the knowledge held by universities, research centers, and tech startups. In Europe, for example, DEKRA collaborates with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the University of Málaga, and a number of startups. In China, one of the leading markets for AI, our partners include Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.

“Reliable AI will revolutionize the automotive industry”

DEKRA joint venture CertifAI identifies risks and develops tests to mitigate them for the transportation of the future.

Ensuring AI quality and reducing risk

With DEKRA’s help, AI models can be tested for reliability—for example, to calculate the residual value of vehicles.

Cybersecurity Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:09:44 +0000

360-degree approach

The digital world is affected by a wide range of threats and countless attacks on products, systems, and infrastructures. As a result, safety and security are becoming more relevant than ever for determining the success of innovations.

DEKRA invested early in expanding its expertise in this area. Now, we have established a cybersecurity hub that brings internal and external experts together to work on information and data security for future mobility, product testing, and functional safety. DEKRA supports customers with a 360-degree range of services that include consulting, training, inspection, testing, and certification.

Building trust

BYD, the global leader in new energy vehicles, has been a longstanding strategic partner of DEKRA. It trusts DEKRA as a reliable provider of expertise and innovative services.

Future Mobility

Innovative DEKRA services for safe, secure, and sustainable transportation—now and in the future.

AI & Advanced Analytics

DEKRA works at both the regulatory and technical level to ensure that AI is safe and secure.


DEKRA offers more than 500 services to help organizations achieve their sustainability goals.

Future Mobility Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:03:32 +0000

Safe and secure transformation

The transportation sector is changing rapidly – and DEKRA is developing the testing, inspection, and certification services that are required. Wherever new technologies, vehicles, and mobility applications are emerging, there is also a growing need for safety and security.

DEKRA deploys its expertise to assist companies in the mobility industry. This specialist knowledge covers automotive cybersecurity issues in the context of connected and automated driving as well as the challenges associated with alternative drive concepts such as electric and hydrogen-powered systems. As global market leaders in automotive testing and based on our experts’ knowledge, we at DEKRA are shaping future mobility.

“Hydrogen trucks can deliver impressive practical benefits.”

DEKRA is supporting the startup hylane as it rolls out and grows the first hydrogen-powered truck rental service.


BYD, the global leader in new energy vehicles, has been a longstanding strategic partner of DEKRA. It trusts DEKRA as a reliable provider of expertise and innovative services.

Diversity & Inclusion

DEKRA’s goals and initiatives to promote diversity within its business (e.g. women in management positions).

Building trust

Chinese EV manufacturer BYD certified under international cybersecurity standard.

Enhancing the security of AI models and systems

In a partnership with Bosch-owned startup AIShield, DEKRA will be enhancing the security of AI models and systems.
